Why I want to serve Montgomery County -
I believe our community needs leaders who listen. I believe the concerns of every resident of our community deserve a response. I want to be the person our community turns to and can rely upon to get things done. My background in public service and years of professional and community leadership provide the right combination for success in the newly configured County Council.
Leadership & Public Service Experience Matters
District 7 is a new district for the Montgomery County Council - one comprised of residents who felt like their issues, concerns, and voices were not adequately heard or represented by the existing Council. Our district needs someone with a proven history of public service, professional and community leadership, and knowledge. Some of the highlights of my experience:
Counsel to the Maryland Center for School Safety, Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center, Active Assailant Interdisciplinary Work Group, and Maryland Food System Resiliency Council
Overseeing the drafting of and revisions to the State’s Model Behavioral Threat Assessment Policy for K-12 Schools
Member, Youth & Families Subcommittee, Lt. Governor’s Commission on Mental & Behavioral Health
Member, Attorney General’s Task force on Hate Bias and Hate Crimes
Member, Crisis Response Workgroup (Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Systems Services)
Co-Chair Symposium Planning Committee (Active Assailant Interdisciplinary Work Group)
Nearly a decade of experience advising State agencies and public bodies on wide-ranging topics including open government laws, government relations, regulations, and risk management
Experienced litigator serving both as in-house faculty for trial advocacy with the Maryland Office of the Attorney General, as an instructor with the National Attorneys General Training & Research Institute, and for the DC Bar
Certified instructor with the Maryland Police Standards Training Commission in all areas of the State’s Model School Resource Officer/School Security Employee training curriculum and hate bias/hate crimes for law enforcement officers required by Section 3-207 of the Public Safety Article
Board Leadership & Community Service
Vice President, Board of Directors - Baltimore Concert Opera (2018-Present)
Member, Board of Directors - Olney Theatre Center (2021-Present)
Member, Board of Directors - Transformation Theatre, LLC (2019-2021)
Secretary, University of Pennsylvania Glee Club Graduate Club (2020-Present)
Member, Board of Directors - Bruce Montgomery Foundation for the Arts (2009-2015)
President, University of Pennsylvania Class of 1996 (2011-Present)
Reunion Chair, University of Pennsylvania Class of 1996 (15th, 20th and 25th Reunions)
Church Musician/Worship Song Leader/Youth Choir Assistant/Faith Formation Instructor - St. John’s Episcopal Church, Ellicott City (2013-Present)
Scouts BSA Merit Badge Counselor (2020-Present)
Freedom Area Recreation Council - Baseball Coach (2017-2018), Soccer Team Parent Coordinator (2012-2017)
Parent Child Event Coordinator - St. John’s Parish Day School (2012-2016)
Maryland Center for School Safety Service Award (2017)
LexisNexis Corporate & Federal Markets Rookie of the Year (2005)
Order of the Barristers (2000)
Ward, Kershaw & Minton Clinical Advocacy Prize (2000)
Penn Class of 1996 Leadership
An amazing team of women who I am blessed to call my friends (from left: Jane Hirschorn Rosenberg, Marisa Carson-Bibens, Dawn Luedtke & Dee Greene Hill).
Baltimore Concert Opera Board of Directors
Building community through opera at the season announcement party at the Garrett Jacobs Mansion - The Engineers Club, Baltimore, MD.
Little League
With half of my team at Little League Day at Camden Yards, which just happened to be on Mother’s Day that year!
MCSS 2017 Conference
Receiving the Maryland Center for School Safety’s 2017 Award for Service & Commitment to safe schools throughout the State.
Public Safety Instructor
Teaching the State’s Model School Resource Officer & School Security Employee curriculum at the Montgomery County Public Safety Training Academy.
Mental & Behavioral Health
Addressing the State’s Mental/Behavioral Health Services Coordinators at a day long symposium.
Bill Signing Day 2018
Bill signing of the Safe to Learn Act of 2018.
Active Assailant Interdisciplinary Work Group
Kickoff meeting for the AAIWG at the United States Naval Academy, May 2018.

Authorized by Friends of Dawn Luedtke, Ari Kodeck, Treasurer.